TRR 237 Nucleic Acid Immunity

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Open call for research and review articles for the Topical Collection on "Molecular Consequences of Immunosensing“

The Topical Collection will be published in the Nature Springer Journal Molecular Biology Reports (MOLE)


Katrin Paeschke is Guest Editor for the Topical Collection on "Molecular Consequences of Immunosensing“.

This topic collection is a great opportunity to strengthen collaborations and maybe give a platform to senior postdoc or young PI for their first lead author publication. This topic collection focuses on various aspects of immune sensing: molecular pathways and changes within pathogens or hosts, and how the immune system is challenged, activated and responds during other exogenous and endogenous changes (e.g. genome instability, cancer, infection)

If you are interested in a contribution, please email Katrin Paeschke (

More information about the Topical Collection can be found here:
The submission deadline is November 30, 2023.

PS: MOLE is an international general molecular biology journal which publishes sound science, original research papers, and Review articles in all areas of molecular and cellular biology, including results of both fundamental and translational research, as well as new techniques that advance experimental progress in the field. Publication in MOLE warrants widespread international attention, with articles downloaded over one million times in 2022.
