TRR 237 Nucleic Acid Immunity

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B16 - Sex hormones in STING-mediated nucleic acid recognition

We have uncovered that nucleic acid immunity via cGAS/STING promotes autoimmune vasculitis using a novel pre-clinical model and independent patient cohorts. During those studies, we also found that STING activity was highly variable amongst females depending on progesterone levels. In collaboration with other TRR 237 members, our overarching goal is now to understand how sex hormones regulate STING-mediated nucleic acid immunity in autoimmune disease and anti-viral responses. Our results will contribute to expand the emerging concept of sexual dimorphism in immunity to encompass the impact of the hormonal stage (reproductive cycle, age) on STING-mediated responses.

Garbi, Natalio

Prof. Dr. Natalio Garbi

Institute of Molecular Medicine & Experimental Immunology (IMMEI), Universität Bonn

+49 (0)228 287 - 11031

External web links:

Research webpage