TRR 237 Nucleic Acid Immunity

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B18 - Tissue-specific inflammation mechanisms induced by constitutive STING signaling in pediatric autoinflammatory disease with vascular inflammation

The cGAS/STING pathway senses viral DNA to activate antiviral immunity, but can also be triggered by endogenous DNA. Pathogenic activation can ensue from defects of cytosolic DNA disposal or from mutations that constitutively switch on pathway components, resulting in severe disease. The clinical conditions, ‘interferonopathies’, are result of a poorly understood dynamic response of the immune system reflecting a balance between activation and complex counter-regulation. We use advanced in vivo models to dissect activating and counter-regulatory principles, and study alterations of population dynamics contributing to the disease phenotype in order to identify strategies for intervention.

Rösen-Wolff, Angela

Prof. Dr. Angela Rösen-Wolff

Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden

External web links:

Research Webpage

Teichmann, Lino

Dr. Lino Teichmann

Medical Faculty, Universität Bonn

External web links:

Research webpage

Saenz, María Lourdes

María Lourdes Saenz

Medical Faculty, Universität Bonn