TRR 237 Nucleic Acid Immunity

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B21 - Phenotypic, genetic, and transcriptional dissection of type I interferonopathies – a systems approach

Using a systems immunology approach, we propose to dissect molecular mechanisms driving alterations in cell-type composition and dysregulation of transcriptional networks in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with early-onset type I IFN-driven autoinflammation and autoimmunity at the single-cell level. The expected results will provide novel insight into disease mechanisms and will pinpoint pathways and molecules that can be exploited for the development of improved diagnosis and targeted therapeutic strategies.

Klughammer, Johanna

Prof. Dr. Johanna Klughammer

Gene Center, LMU Munich

+49 (0)89 2180 - 71050

External web links:

Research webpage


Lee-Kirsch, Min Ae

Prof. Dr. Min Ae Lee-Kirsch

Speaker for Dresden
Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden

External web links:

Research Webpage and CV